AOFAS 2025
Darwin, NT
Thursday 21 - Sunday 24 August 2025
AOFAS 2026
IFFAS 9th Triennial Scientific Meeting - Seattle, WA, USA
September 15 -19, 2026
The annual AOFAS meeting is a comprehensive education programme run by our Society for the benefit of our current and future members.
All submitted abstracts MUST follow the guidelines as set by the Scientific Program Committee to be accepted.
The abstract should provide sufficient information to allow the reader to assess fully the aims, methods, results and implications of the work undertaken. The abstract should include the following sections:
It is important that methods and results are clearly defined in the abstract; therefore, general statements such as "results will be presented" are not acceptable.
This section will be hidden from the reviewers until after selection but will appear in the final printed handbook.
Each of the below need to be included at the top of the abstract, each on a new line:
For conference enquiries, please email
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